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For our German locations our terms and conditions of sale for Germany apply.
This website is published by
Dietze Group
Eldur AG
Industriestrasse 4
7304 Maienfeld
Represented by
Werner Dietze (Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates)
Phone: +41 81 3004848
Fax: +41 81 3004849
Enterprise identification number: CHE-101.932.438
Commercial register number: CH35030044980
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Dietze Groups accepts no liability for loss or damage of any kind – whether it be for direct, indirect or consequential damage that may arise from the use of or access to this websitesor from any links to third-party websites. We do not warrant that the individual parts of the website run flawlessly. Furthermore, we accept no liability for any manipulation of the internet user’s IT system by unauthorised persons. We expressly point out the risk of viruses and the possibility of targeted hacker attacks.
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